Donate Equipment to 2nd Swing!

Have an old set of golf clubs packed in the corner of your garage? Donating equipment is another way to help support our chapter. Convert your old, unwanted golf equipment into a cash donation!
With the 2nd Swing Club Donation Program you can put any of your old equipment to great use and make a huge impact. The value of your used clubs and equipment is sent to us as a cash donation.
Here are a few tips for making your equipment donation:
- Click here to get started.
- When completing the donation form, fill in our chapter name to ensure the donation is directed to us (there are 165+ chapters so this is important!).
- If you have equipment to donate that you cannot find in the system, add it to your shipping box and make a note in the “notes” section of the donation form. You can also donate golf balls, apparel, golf bags, range finders, etc. 2nd Swing’s staff will process the items and contact you about their donation value.
- When shipping your equipment to 2nd Swing, please print your FREE shipping labels and include a copy of your donation summary in each box. The donation summary can be printed directly from the website or from your email confirmation.
- A donation receipt will be sent to you within 3-4 weeks of receiving the donation. Our chapter will receive your donation within a month.
Please call 2nd Swing’s Club Donation Account Manager at (612) 216-4152 or email [email protected].