February Game Changer Spotlight: AB Ali

AB Ali, current golf coach and First Tee — Greater Chicago alumnus, was first introduced to golf in high school. Originally from Afghanistan, not many people that AB knew played golf, and it was not until his freshman year of high school that he got into the game. The school’s coach sparked AB’s interest in golf and introduced him to First Tee — Greater Chicago, and not long after, AB was involved in the local programs and took lessons from Coach Brandon White, current VP of Programming & Operations at First Tee — Greater Chicago. AB credits Coach Brandon for making golf fun and showing him a different perspective of the game. He learned that the barriers typically surrounding golf could, in fact, be broken down with the help of an organization like First Tee — Greater Chicago.
“Golf is for everyone. It doesn’t matter what your social or economic status is in order to play, and Coach Brandon really showed me that.”
Reflecting on his time with First Tee — Greater Chicago, AB has recognized many important takeaways that have impacted his life, whether he’s on the course, at a program site, or at home or school. He has learned through his countless rounds that patience is a necessity in golf, and to not let one bad shot affect your positivity for the rest of the round. AB has been able to practice this patience and positivity in personal endeavors, and has seen firsthand how the Five Key Commitments of First Tee affect his life.
AB encourages kids and teens to get involved with First Tee — Greater Chicago because it’s about so much more than golf; it’s about learning how to go through life with integrity, honesty, and camaraderie.
In addition to his own character development, learning golf has led AB to form deeper connections with others. He attributes his ability to be more social and understanding of others to his experience with First Tee. From his time with the organization, both as a participant and a coach, AB has made lifelong friendships with people who consistently model the same core values he embodies.
AB has loved being able to give back to the community that mentored him by being a coach and role model to others.
The coaches he had when he was part of the programs were his mentors, and could guide him in the right direction in all aspects of his life, which is exactly what he strives to do for others. Coaching has provided him a unique opportunity to directly see the fruits of his labor when the participants continue to sign up season after season. He tries to make the game fun for the kids, just like his coaches did for him, and offers his guidance to them both on and off the course.