Caddying Opportunities
Together with our partners from the Western Golf Association/Evans Scholars Foundation, we are proud to be offering caddying opportunities to our First Tee – Greater Chicago participants.
Caddying is far more than a summer job, it is an important tradition of the game of golf. The core values that underscore a caddie’s presence on the golf course are the same ones that can help them to be successful later in life. Aside from the chance to learn the game of golf, caddying offers many other life-changing opportunities. The best time to start your caddying career is between the ages of 14-15 years old.
Benefits of Working as a Caddie:
Enjoy Flexible Hours and Great Money
Caddying provides flexibility so that you can earn a part-time income while continuing to be involved in school, sports and other summer activities.
Exposure to Positive Role Models
Many of the people you will caddie for are successful professionals and community leaders. By spending time with them you will have the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of career paths and personalities.
Work Outside, Exercise and Have Fun
Aside from allowing you to work outdoors, caddying provides an excellent opportunity to improve your overall health and fitness. You will also be able to make friends with the other youth caddies.
Gain Valuable Life Skills
Learn the importance of teamwork, communication and perseverance while developing valuable leadership and people skills that you will carry with you all of your life.
Opportunity to be awarded a Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship
Currently, 1,100 caddies are enrolled at 22 leading universities on an Evans Scholarship. The scholarship covers full tuition and housing costs for up to four years of college and is an estimated value of $125,000.